Farewell, 208 South Lamar: Crab Cakes to Warm Your Heart

208 Crab Cakes.JPG

Hi, folks! I hope everyone is happy and healthy. Oxford just got the news that the 208 South Lamar building is being torn down due to structural damage.

Some wonderful restaurants have been located in that building - Smitty’s and 208 are my favorites. It is also where I met my husband Jon when he moved to Oxford in 2002 to open 208. Jon was the chef and creator of some of Oxford’s favorite dishes! I am including his crab cake recipe for all of you to enjoy.

Peace and love … 

208 Crab Cakes

1 of each - red, yellow and green bell peppers
3 cups of crushed Saltine crackers
1 cup mayo
2 TB Old Bay seasoning
1 TB dry mustard
1 TB fresh parsley, chopped
1 TB Tabasco
2 TB Worcestershire sauce
2 lbs. claw crab meat
2 lbs. lump crab meat 
Panko breadcrumbs

 Pulse bell peppers in Cuisinart then gently mix together all ingredients except Panko breadcrumbs. Shape into desired shape of crab cakes.

Coat crab cakes in Panko breadcrumbs. 

Pan sear crab cakes in hot olive oil on each side. Finish off in the oven - 375 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Enjoy and cheers!